"Big Data": a starting point for informed decisions
In recent years, data storage capacity has increased considerably and technological advances have reduced the cost of storage and computation, making Big Data more affordable. However, analyzing these large volumes of data is still a major hurdle.

Preserving the past, improving the future. The impact of the Arquivo.pt Memorial
What to do when maintaining an old website is a problem? Arquivo.pt's Memorial sub-service, managed by the FCCN Unit, seeks to respond to this need by preserving old websites and thus offering important support to various types of institutions, organizations and projects.

15 years of Arquivo.pt. Past, present and future
Arquivo.pt celebrated its 15th anniversary on November 8, 2022, and there are some new features expected for the future.

"We will continue to strengthen technologies that accelerate knowledge"
The General Coordinator of the FCCN Unit of the Foundation for Science and Technology, João Nuno Ferreira, reviews 2022 and looks towards the new year with confidence.

" INDEXAR aims to promote access to knowledge"
The activity manager of the FCCN Unit, Paulo Lopes, explains all about the relevance of one of our newest services, INDEXAR.

"Programming is a different way of solving problems"
Manager of the Digital Identity Service at Unidad FCCN, she shares her experience in pursuing her interests and passions, tells us about the work the team she manages does and the women who inspire her in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

"I hope more and more girls will choose technology fields"
Isabel Ribeiro, a researcher at the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisbon) / IST, shares her testimony about her own role and the importance of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. During the month of March, the FCCN Unit is joining the GÉANT #WomenInSTEM campaign, giving an interview with the

"Look for good mentors and colleagues, our mutual support is very important."
Clara Ferreira, a neuroscientist at the Champalimaud Foundation, shares her testimony about her journey in science.

"Being a researcher is a very rewarding job and that includes doing amazing things"
Edna Correia, researcher at CESAM (Center for Environment and Sea Studies), at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, tells us about her journey.

"Society has to create an environment where the decision to be a scientist is natural."
Sandra Tavares, researcher in cancer biology at I3S, tells us how she discovered that cancer biology was the area where she wanted to develop her research work.

Technology in the Future of Education
Vitor Manteigas, assistant professor at the Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL-IPL) and member of the Working Group for Distance Learning of the Polytechnic of Lisbon (EaD@IPL), is our guest author to help us reflect on the importance of technology in education and current pedagogical models.

The importance of Distance Learning in the future of organizations
Maria José Sousa, pro-rector for the Development of Distance Learning at ISCTE-IUL, is another author invited by FCCN for this month's featured topic on the FCCN Blog. In her article, she highlights the potential of Distance Learning (DL) as a driver of skills development for the digital transformation of organizations.