The Internet Exchange Point (IXP) provided by Unidade FCCN, has a direct impact on Internet use in Portugal. Find out how.
#1 A shortcut between domains
GigaPIX is a service that allows several Internet Service Providers (ISPs) andcontent delivery networks (CDNs) to exchange traffic among themselves, generating higher connection speeds.
#2 Cost reduction
There are currently 40 entities that are members of GigaPix and, in this way, exchange internet traffic. This number has been growing over the last years and allows a very significant cost reduction by avoiding the use of more expensive international connections. The more exchange points and the more nodes there are, the easier it is to optimize - to find the most cost-effective way.
Some of the GigaPIX member entities are, as an example: MEO, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, among others.
#3 Improve the experience
Keeping local traffic local, the round trip time may be up to three times faster than the round trip time in Portugal [total time that a signal takes to travel between the point of origin and destination], thus considerably improving the user experience, both when browsing the Internet and when streaming, accessing VoIP (Voice over IP) and video/audio conferences, online video games, among others.
#4 Reliability and security
GigaPix has a direct impact on the increase of network infrastructure redundancy [duplication of components in order to ensure reliability, security, availability and perfect operation of the network system, in case of failures or overloads]. This is because a greater number of traffic exchange points ensures greater control and ability to optimise the infrastructure.
#5 Neutrality and increasing user benefit
Taking the example of the Science, Technology and Society Network (RCTS), the academic and scientific network promoted by the Unit FCCN, more than 30% of its traffic is carried via GigaPix. Taking into account the increase in the number of GigaPIX members, this figure has been rising over the last few years. In turn, the increase in the number of members is a factor that generates benefits for users, content providers and Internet providers, and since it is a neutral point, it is not owned or operated by a commercial entity and is not for profit.
A note on GigaPIX traffic increases
GigaPIX traffic recorded a 35% growth since the appearance of the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Portugal. The state of emergency - now renewed - which led to a scenario of containment and social isolation, generated this increase.