The course will take place on 7, 8 and 9 June in online format and will have a theoretical and a practical component.
The University of Aveiro in partnership with Minho Advanced Computer Center - MACC, together with the EuroCC Project invites all interested people to participate in the Course on HPC, aimed at non-specialists in computer science who need high performance computing resources in their day-to-day activities but are not familiar with the HPC programming environment.
Registration is free, but compulsory, and can be done until 31 May 2021, using the form available for this purpose.
The access link to the event will be sent after registration and the day before the event starts.
Note: The training will be given in Portuguese.

HPC - High Performance Computing - is a concept that seeks to aggregate computing power, in order to offer performance far greater than that found in
common computers, to solve complex engineering, science or business problems.
The great processing power of this computational model ensures that the time required to obtain the most diverse results is reduced exponentially. In addition, it is possible to rely on the scalability existing in the cloud to increase the processing power according to the complexity of the task.