Agreement between Emacom and FCT will promote the use of optical fiber for research purposes. This is the first step towards the creation of GEOLab, an initiative that counts on the participation of the EllaLink Group.
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and EMACOM - Telecomunicações of Madeira signed, on May 16, a cooperation protocol aimed at promoting the use of optical fiber for research purposes, particularly in the areas of seismology, volcanology, marine ecology and ocean conditions.
The agreement is the first step towards the materialization of GEOLab, an initiative aimed at the research community, which also includes the participation of EllaLink - the group that owns the submarine system linking Europe to Latin America. This system includes a dedicated fiber optic pair between Funchal and Sines, where the connection to GEANT, the main European network for research and education, will be made.
EMACOM also has in the Ellalink system an optical fiber, with about 56km, which departs from the Madeira landing station and is a resource of high interest to the research and teaching community, in activities related to earth observation, particularly of seabed movements.
Through this protocol, EMACOM undertakes to cede the rights to use optical fiber for all the equipment to support the scientific experiments to be carried out under the project and its connection to RCTS - Science, Technology and Society Network. The management and operation of these experiments will be the responsibility of FCT, through its Scientific Computing Unit (FCCN).
FCT also adds to this responsibility the commitment to ensure access to GEOLab by the research and teaching community, in a partnership that aims to take advantage of human and technological potential by sharing technological resources in the areas of research and connectivity, namely through the use of the submarine cable system.
Within the scope of the protocol, FCT will also be responsible for the activation of a new RCTS Point of Presence (PoP) at the CLS(Cable Landing Station) of Funchal and the reinforcement of the Penteada PoP, located at the premises of the University of Madeira, in order to ensure global Internet connectivity through GEOLab's Science, Technology and Society Network (RCTS).