New website of the EuroCC Project - National HPC Competence Centre - aims to provide a set of national skills and training opportunities, related to high performance computing (HPC) in Portugal.

The new virtual space will provide users, researchers and the general public with a meeting point, sharing and dissemination of activities and training offers in HPC, at a national level. 

Co-funded by the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), EuroCC is a European competence network in High Performance Computing (HPC), which promotes cooperation and implementation of best practices in this area across Europe.

The overall objective of EuroCC is thus to implement a European support structure, based on National Competence Centres (NCCs), strongly linked to support academia, research, public administration and industry (especially SMEs) to benefit from the advantages of the HPC expertise, experience and resources available in the geographical area of Europe.

Each competence centre has the responsibility of coordinating HPC expertise at local (national) level and facilitating access to European opportunities for researchers and public administration, but also for different industrial sectors, providing customised solutions for a wide variety of users.  

Since 2020, the Portuguese EuroCC competence center has been coordinated by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through its Unit FCCN, and integrates several partner entities that, through this project, provide experience and capacities to support the adoption and use of HPC, thus fulfilling the global purpose of EuroCC. 

eurocc FCCN Computing Unit

The new website can be found at and gathers all useful information about the project, from a brief history of HPC in Portugal, through the identification of the various Operational Centres throughout the country, to the presentation of various use cases, applied in the scope of High Performance Computing.

No less important is the training component also foreseen in the project. All the information about the available trainings in the HPC area is available for consultation on this new website.

Some of the said training opportunities highlighted are: 

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