Open Science between Portugal and Latin American countries
Memorandum strengthens cooperation in sharing scientific knowledge

NAU opens course "RGPD for aware citizens"
New training, promoted by INA, hosted on the Public Administration Distance Learning and Training platform for Large Audiences aims to "contribute to the understanding of the importance of the protection of personal data", as well as the rights of each citizen

Official launch of the Arquivo.pt 2020 award
The official opening ceremony for applications will take place on 16 January in the Auditorium of the Público newspaper in Lisbon.

Webinar to get to know the UP2U universe
Online training takes place on 25 and 28 February. The aim is to "explore the UP2U platform". The UP2U platform aims to create a dynamic learning environment that allows the sharing of knowledge inside and outside the classroom and enhances innovation and the acquisition of new digital skills. The UP2U ecosystem provides member schools with a

b-on with open access content
FCCN provides a compilation of online resources without access restrictions provided by scientific publishers.

FCT designs the use of Remote Assessment Systems in higher education
Initiative aims to respond to the abrupt mass migration to distance learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

NAU offers online course "Telework in Times of Isolation"
The course is free of charge and aims to support trainees to develop new socio-professional and digital skills

ESML shares student work through Educast
Through two projects, the Escola Superior de Música do Politécnico de Lisboa (ESML) is showcasing the compositions and performances of its students. One of the teachers responsible, Carlos Caires, explains the outlines of these two initiatives, detailing the role of the service of the FCCN unit of the Foundation for Science and Technology, Educast.

"Ciência Vitae reduces the bureaucratic burden on scientists"
The manager of the CIÊNCIAVITAE program, Cátia Laranjeira, reveals some of the elements that mark the current state of this project, promoted by FCCN, highlighting its added value for scientists in Portugal.

6th GDI Forum will take place on June 30th and July 1st
The sixth edition of the Research Data Management Forum (GDI Forum) will be held remotely on 30 June and 1 July, bringing together the community of professionals and researchers involved in research data management. Registration closes on 25 June.

Arquivo.pt presents new features
Preservation service of the Portuguese web now includes two new functions: visualization with old browser and export of search results.

Winners of the 3rd Edition of the Arquivo.pt Prize 2020
Arquivo.pt, a research infrastructure managed by FCT, through its National Scientific Computing Unit (FCCN), has announced the three winning finalists of the 3rd Edition of the Arquivo.pt Award 2020.