Learning in times of pandemic
The current moment of uncertainty has forced us to change. It is easy to understand today how the challenges born from the pandemic have led us to incorporate new paradigms in various spheres of our lives.

Interview with the winner of Arquivo.pt Prize 2020, Miguel Ramalho
Miguel Ramalho was the winner of the Arquivo.pt 2020 Award, for his work Desarquivo - a platform that analyses news preserved by Arquivo.pt to establish relations between entities, people and places. The graduate of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) explains the usefulness of this platform, describing the context that led to its creation.

Turismo de Portugal creates course "Initiation to wine tasting" on the NAU platform
Training created by Turismo de Portugal arrived on the NAU platform on December 1. "Wine tasting goes far beyond simply consuming the drink", stresses Turismo de Portugal, in the presentation of its first course published on the NAU platform. "Initiation to Wine Tasting" has been available since December 1. The training

EOSC. Putting Europe at the forefront of the economy
Learn about the steps taken in Portugal, and in Europe, towards the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) - an initiative that aims to put the European Union in the global leadership in the field of research data, ensuring benefits to almost 2 million European scientists.

Unit FCCN reinforces investment in science management and open science
An application drawn up by the FCCN Unit of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has been approved, resulting in funding of 825 thousand euros. Find out more about the main objectives.

Roadshow / Webinar CiênciaVitae
The CIÊNCIAVITAE Team provides two formats of presentation session: Roadshow and Webinar.

TNC21 - Making Waves
Europe's largest and most prestigious annual conference for academic and research networks.

Scientific Computing Conferences 2021
Annual meeting point for the higher education and research community.