What is the list of services available through RCTSaai?
Check the RCTSaai services catalogue to know all the services.
What types of users can use the services available on RCTSaai?
Students, teachers, researchers and employees of the participating institutions.
Do personal certificates from this service have the same value as those from the citizen card?
The personal certificates of this service are valid and identify a user as being part of an institution. However, and because they are not issued by a CA recognized by the National Security Office, they cannot replace those of the Citizen's Card.
How can I request more information about the RCTS certificates service?
You should contact FCCN|FCT at noc@fccn.pt or visit the service's website.
What security incidents does the RCTS CERT respond to?
To incidents that originate or destination IP addresses belonging to the RCTS.
To which entities can the RCTS CERT provide services?
Only to entities connected to the RCTS, through accredited contacts.
Can I choose not to use antivirus on my workstation?
The use of antivirus is mandatory on Windows systems, and optional on Linux or MacOS-based systems.
I have doubts about the effects of a file I have already opened/executed on my workstation. How should I proceed?
You can perform a preliminary test by uploading the file on the website www.virustotal.com, but above all you should notify the RCTS CERT of this occurrence.
What general safety precautions should I take?
Do not open files of unknown origin, and in terms of web access, respect browser alerts regarding potentially malicious websites. It is also very important to make copies of content that is not regularly backed up by the organisation. Relevant information must necessarily be stored on the organisation's server (which has backups) and
My computer is being attacked from an RCTS IP. How should I proceed?
It shall send to report@cert.rcts.pt all data in its possession concerning the occurrence.