Technology for Knowledge
We ensure technology and means for research, for science and for the development of new knowledge, serving a community of students, teachers and researchers.
Discover what we have for you.
What you can do with the services FCCN
Create, share, publish, consult, access, remember, communicate...
These are verbs that we easily associate with the services provided by the Unit FCCN, on the RCTS Network, to the scientific and academic community.
Online education and training platform
Secure sharing of large files
Recording, editing and publishing of classes and events
Online Knowledge Library Award 2024 applications now open
The initiative honors the most innovative works that use the information preserved on Anyone interested can register until May 6.
Know moreJornadas FCCN 2024: from April 15 to 17, in Madeira
The Jornadas FCCN 2024 have the close support of ARDITI - the Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation. The meeting takes place at the Pestana Casino Park and the Madeira Congress Center on April 15, 16 and 17.
Days FCCNNews

Driving the future of Advanced Computing. A female perspective on STEM
"As a witness to the rapid transformations in Advanced Computing over the years, it is important to highlight the role played by women in STEM, particularly in Technology"
Jornadas FCCN: Filipe Vieira's testimony - IPBeja
"The Jornadas FCCN are a boost for new technologies in Higher Education Institutions"
Jornadas FCCN: Testimony from Susana Lopes - Nova SBE
"It's not possible to work in Higher Education without being familiar with the initiatives of FCCN, and at the Days we were able to get a broad overview of the various projects"
Jornadas FCCN: Pedro Vapi's testimony - University of Coimbra
"Undeniably one of the most important and remarkable events for the technical academic community"
Filesender: digital service celebrates 15 years
FileSender, the digital service provided by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through FCCN, is 15 years old.
Deadline for applications to the Prize about to expire
The award that honors innovative works and projects that use the information preserved by is about to close its application period. Entries can be submitted until May 6.
Conference FCCN 2024: over 600 registrations, 102 speakers and 35 sponsors
Participation in the largest gathering of the national higher education and research community exceeded all expectations in 2024. 641 people registered for the initiative.
Online exhibition celebrates milestones associated with April 25
" Memórias do 25 de Abril na Internet" ( Memories of April 25 on the Internet) is the name of the initiative carried out by the FCT, in partnership with the 50 Years of April 25 Commemorative Commission, and which is part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of Democracy.
1st PUB IN Meeting to be held in Lisbon in June
The PUB IN Meeting - journals and scientific communication for open science - will take place on June 19 in Lisbon. This is an event organized by the Foundation for Science and Technology, through the FCCN unit, and the University of Minho.
The Foundation for Science and Technology is present at the "50 years of April 25" International Congress
On May 2, between 6pm and 6.30pm, at the Rectory of the University of Lisbon, the Foundation for Science and Technology will take part in the International Congress "50 years of April 25".
Safer Internet Day (SID) 2024: Viseu hosts this year's initiative dedicated to Artificial Intelligence
February 6th marks the 21st edition of Safer Internet Day (SID). The Safer Internet Center Consortium is organizing this national commemorative event, which will be held this year in Viseu. The SID Summit 2024 program is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.