- RCTS Exclusive
What is it?
The GÉANT Innovation Program is a unique opportunity to boost start-up development and test innovative ideas.
The GÉANT Association has set aside 300,000 euros to support a GÉANT Innovation Program for specific research projects to be carried out by the GÉANT Community, i.e. NRENs(National Research and Education Networks) that are members of GÉANT, universities, polytechnics, research institutions or other legal entities to which a member of the GÉANT Association - in the case of Portugal, FCCN, part of the FCT - provides services.
The call for proposals is aimed at funding research projects of up to 50,000 euros, with a duration of no more than 6 months.
Who is it intended for?
NRENs that are members of the GÉANT Association or legal entities of one of its "linked entities", including universities, polytechnics, research or education institutes or institutions linked to NRENs. All of these are welcome and eligible for funding under this program.
What topics can be considered?
Any topic as long as it falls within the mission of the GÉANT Community. Proposals can be in areas such as networks, cloud computing, security, authentication and identity and Digital Health, among others.
Innovative proposals that demonstrate significant scientific or societal and economic impact and create benefits for the European research and education community GÉANT are particularly encouraged. Examples of past innovations developed in the GÉANT Community include widely adopted services such as eduroam, eduVPN and eduMEET.
Funding decisions are based on criteria such as: quality, innovation, potential impact and value for money.
How to apply for the GÉANT Innovation Program?
- Download the registration documents: word e pdf
- Fill in the documents and submit through Indico platform
- A response will be sent within 5 weeks of submission (or 6 weeks if any clarification is needed in the process).
Application guidelines
Check out the GÉANT Innovation Program application guide, available online, including the FAQ and a checklist that will help you check your eligibility and complete your application.
Important dates:
- December 13, 2023 - Applications open
- February 14, 2024 -Deadline for submissions
- April 2024 - Publication of assessment results
- April 2024 - Issue and signing of administrative documentation
- May to October 2024 - Implementation of funded projects
- November 2024 - Final Report
- December 2024 - Invoicing
- February 2025 - Showcase of results

Funded Projects
Launched in February 2021, the GÉANT Innovation Program has funded 30 projects in the areas of multimedia, networks, authentication and identity, education, cloud, security and privacy, among others.
Get to know the previously funded projects
In the video below, Claudio Allocchio, Senior Technical Director at GARR and chairman of the GÉANT Community Committee (GCC), talks about the benefits of the GÉANT Innovation Program, what topics are expected, and also provides some tips for innovative candidates.