The award that honors innovative works and projects that use the information preserved by is about to close its application period. Entries can be submitted until May 6, next Monday. 

Over the last six years, the Prize has awarded almost €100,000 in prizes, distinguishing dozens of innovative projects based on the information preserved by this digital service provided by the Foundation for Science and Technology, through the FCCN.

The distinguished works consist of practical applications or studies in any area of knowledge, provided they are based on information accessible through, which demonstrate the usefulness of this public service and the importance of preserving information published on the web. Education, History, Sociology, Health, Information Technology or Communication are some of the areas in which past work has been honored. Award 2024

This year, one of the main novelties was the creation of an honorable mention and respective prize for teachers. Awarded by the DNS.PT Association, this recognition will be given to a teacher who has encouraged the submission of work for this edition of the Award. According to the initiative's organizers, "thewinning teacher will receive a cheque for €1900 to buy a laptop computer".

Likewise, the Público newspaper and the Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC) also awarded an Honorable Mention in this edition, distinguishing, respectively, works that focus on the Público online web archive and the web archive of one or more Portuguese online media. 

Once the application period has closed, the jury - made up of experts from various fields of knowledge - will evaluate the various works submitted and name the top three winners. 

You can find out about the evaluation criteria and other information about the prize at

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