As part of the celebrations of the International Open Science Week, FCT, through the unit FCCN, is organizing the webinar "Open Science: Community, Access and Collaboration" on October 24.
The aim of this celebration is to promote greater awareness of the advantages and practices associated with Open Science. This is understood as scientific activity carried out in an open, collaborative and transparent manner, which promotes the sharing and communication of processes and results.
The webinar will focus on a number of topics arising from FCT's activity in the area of Open Science, namely the transformative agreements signed by b-on with publishers of scientific publications that allow publication in open access; the future Open Access Policy for Scientific Publications Resulting from FCT Funding; the retention of copyright as a way of promoting open access; and research data.
The main target audience for this initiative is researchers, science managers, students and anyone interested in Open Science. The Open Sciencewebinar will start at 2.15pm and will last 1.5 hours.
Participation is free, but those interested must register in advance here.