"Me, Social Media and Media: what is this relationship?"
Between May 3 and 9, 2022, the 7 Days with Media will reach its 10th edition, renewing the invitation to the participation of all those who, during that week, want to record, share and participate in projects and initiatives that contribute to improving the way we relate to/through the media.
Based on the times we live in, namely the experiences and learning from a pandemic that is still active, the GILM (Informal Group on Media Literacy), as the promoter of this operation, in the 2022 edition decided to highlight the theme: "Me, the Social Networks and the Media: what is this relationship?", around which it proposes the following topics for reflection:
Us and the media - what has or has not changed in this relationship?
Being online and digital well-being
Social Networks and the worlds your images build
These are only suggestions. It is still possible to share materials and activities on other themes related to the knowledge of the media universe (Press, Radio, Television, Internet, Social Networks, Video Games...). Provided that these materials and activities can contribute to a greater empowerment of citizens in relation to the media.
More information at https://7diascomosmedia.gilm.pt.