The 14th Lusophone Open Science Conference (ConfOA) in 2023 travels to Natal, Brazil. This year, ConfOA is hosted by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte on September 18, 19, 20 and 21, 2023.
Keeping the theme of the previous edition "Open Science: Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability", the 14th ConfOA aims to be the forum where Open Science is thought and discussed in Portuguese.
ConfOA aims to bring together the communities of Portuguese-speaking countries that carry out research, development, service management and policy definition activities related to Open Science in all its aspects, namely Open Access to Scientific Information and Research Data. Thus, ConfOA assumes itself as the privileged space to promote the sharing, discussion and dissemination of knowledge, practices and research on these themes, in all its dimensions and perspectives.
In order to promote its generalization in the community, ConfOA adopts good Open Science practices, namely: open peer review; the requirement that research data used in the papers be made available and submitted in parallel with the proposal; the use of persistent author identifiers and the assignment of persistent identifiers to accepted and published papers.

The organization invites the community to submit paper proposals on the following topics:
Open Access and Open Research Data: Systems, Policies and Practices
- Digital repositories - institutional, thematic, research data or cultural heritage
- Open Access scientific journals
- Innovation in science communication for Open Science
- Institutional Open Access Publishing
- Research Data Management and FAIR Data
- Definition, analysis and evaluation of institutional and funder policies
- Metadata models and standards
- Digital Preservation
- Copyright, Open Access and Open Science
Open Science and other expressions of open knowledge
- Ethics, Research Integrity and RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation)
- The evaluation of research and researchers in the transition to Open Science
- Citizen Science
- Open government data
- Free software development and communities for the promotion of Open Access and Open Science
- Other open knowledge practices (free hardware and software, open education)
Science and Technology Information Management
- CRIS - Science and Technology Information Management Systems
- Interoperability between information systems supporting scientific and academic activity
- Standards and Guidelines
- Persistent Identifiers
Proposals on these topics, as well as other topics related to the political, social, organizational or technical aspects concomitant with Open Science, will be welcome.
The submission of works is made at: where the evaluation of the works will be developed. The proponents may consult the guidelines for each type of proposal and the respective presentation model.