Online Event


RCTS CERT will hold a new edition of the CSIRT-in-a-Box Workshop from 23 to 26 November.

This workshop will be held remotely through the Colibri platform (using Zoom technology).

The event is online and registrations will be open until the 22nd at:

To consider the registration as validated each participant should receive a message from RCTS CERT confirming the registration, which will include the URL to access the sessions, which is unique for the 4 days.

The sessions will be on the afternoon of the 23rd, and the mornings of the 24th, 25th and 26th.

Attendance is not compulsory for all sessions, as the workshop is organised in modules.


Day 23 (14:00-17:00)
- CSIRT-in-a-Box package
- Building a new CSIRT
- Awareness material
- Incident Response I

Day 24 (9:30-12:30)
- Incident Response II
- Coordination and Collaboration
- Splunk
- Netflow

Day 25 (9:30-12:30)
- Threats
- Security Audits
- IntelMQ
- Honeypots

Day 26 (9:30-12:30)
- Automation
- DNS Firewall
- Phishing Exercises
- Capture The Flag
- Indicators of Compromise

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