Agreement signed for installation of supercomputer
he European Joint Undertaking for High Performance Computing signed contracts for the installation of future European supercomputers. One of them (Deucalion) will strengthen Portuguese capacity in this area.

Supercomputer inaugurated in Evora
University of Évora inaugurated "Oblivion", a supercomputer installed in partnership with the ENGAGE SKA research consortium.

OCRE project announces funding for cloud and digital services that support research
Consortium Open Clouds for Research Environments (OCRE) announced the opening of applications for a program focused on cloud or digital services to support scientific activity and researchers. Applications will open on September 15.

1st edition of the Advanced Computing Projects Call
About 27 million core.hours available on the National Advanced Computing Network.

European Commission announces two high performance computing projects
EuroCC and CASTIEL projects will form a network of 33 national centres dedicated to high performance computing.

Advanced Computing Call Approves 129 Projects
The results of the first edition of the competition promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through the Unit FCCN.

Deucalion: the "green" supercomputer
Deucalion, a supercomputer, installed in the Advanced Computing Centre in Guimarães, will run on fully renewable energy sources.

Find out more about the programme that will shape Europe's digital future
The Digital Europe programme will fund projects dedicated to bringing together digital technologies, citizens, businesses and public administrations.

2nd edition of the Advanced Computing Projects Call
The second edition of the competition managed by the FCT's FCCN Unit aims to consolidate and strengthen the national technological and scientific system through Advanced Computing resources for Research and Innovation.

EuroCC National Competence Centre launches website
The EuroCC National Competence Centre website will provide users, researchers and the general public with a meeting, sharing and dissemination point for HPC activities, at national level.

Tooling4G. Advanced Computing at the service of small and medium-sized companies
The first Portuguese project aims to develop innovative fans that reduce the noise from air conditioning systems.

Advanced Computing. Meet the supercomputers
Discover the supercomputers that make up the National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA).