Arquivo.pt preserves more than 100 websites from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
116 historical websites of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) are now accessible on the Memorial service of Arquivo.pt.

What is Open Science and how important is it?
Open Science has been gaining prominence and has several added values for society. Find out more about this concept and its relevance here.

"SciELO plays an important role in scientific research"
The SciELO network has been supporting open access scientific communication since 2000. The manager of this activity, Paulo Lopes, tells you all about the role and relevance of this service.

What role does the FCCN unit play in promoting Open Science?
The Foundation for Science and Technology, through its FCCN unit, manages a series of services and projects aimed at promoting Open Science practices in Portugal. Find out more about them here.

Arquivo.pt Award: the testimony of the winners of the 2023 edition
At a time when applications for the Arquivo.pt Prize 2024 are now open, we went to remember the winners of the last edition and hear their testimonies.

Are you a teacher? The Arquivo.pt Prize 2024 has an award for you
In 2024, the Arquivo.pt Prize has a new category of recognition, this time for teachers who have encouraged their students to submit work. Find out all about it here.

International Education Day. Technology FCCN at the service of learning
On International Education Day, we remember the contribution of technology to this sector. The Foundation for Science and Technology, through its FCCN unit, is aligned with this movement, bringing technological solutions to education in Portugal. Get to know some of them.

Research data. Because knowledge begets knowledge
What is research data and what is its importance? What work has been carried out by the FCT, through the FCCN unit, in this area? Find out the answers to these and other questions.

Science and Technology Foundation assigns unique identifiers for public funding
Within the scope of PTCRIS, FCT has developed an initiative to register and propagate unique DOI identifiers for national public funding.

Online exhibition celebrates milestones associated with April 25
"Arquivo.pt: Memórias do 25 de Abril na Internet" (Archive.pt: Memories of April 25 on the Internet) is the name of the initiative carried out by the FCT, in partnership with the 50 Years of April 25 Commemorative Commission, and which is part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of Democracy.

The Foundation for Science and Technology is present at the "50 years of April 25" International Congress
On May 2, between 6pm and 6.30pm, at the Rectory of the University of Lisbon, the Foundation for Science and Technology will take part in the International Congress "50 years of April 25".