RNCA. Three years accelerating the Future
Created in 2019, the National Advanced Computing Network has been promoting the use of national advanced computing resources by scientific or innovation projects. Find out all about this structure managed by the Unit FCCN. What an atmospheric modeling study of the Serra do Perdigão and structural analysis have in common

Engineers for a Day | 6th edition
October 11 marks the International Day of the Girl, a United Nations initiative to recognize the rights of girls and young women and the unique challenges they face around the world.

International Open Access Week 2022: "Open for Climate Justice
International Open Access Week, to be held October 24-30, 2022, has chosen "Open for Climate Justice" as its theme.

Conversation with Researchers: Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud
A meeting and debate with the researchers selected by Computing Projects Calls Advanced: artificial intelligence in the cloud, with the presence of the Minister of Science and Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato.

Applications open for pilot of Polen Research Data Repository
The selected institutions will have the opportunity to use and play an active role in testing the research data repository.

The first GeoLab experiment has already started
The first project to use EllaLink is underway. Six months after the protocol for the creation of GEOLab, the pioneering research based on this maritime infrastructure advances.

New edition of GÉANT's Innovation Program has open applications
Unit FCCN invites its entire community to submit their most innovative projects for funding under GÉANT's innovation program.

Discover some of the Unit's innovative projects FCCN
From high-performance computing to connectivity and support for scientific research, there are several areas in which the FCCN Unit has developed innovative initiatives. Here are some of them: RCTS100 - Connecting knowledge at high speed Over the last five years, RCTS100 has been extending the optical fiber infrastructure

"We will continue to strengthen technologies that accelerate knowledge"
The General Coordinator of the FCCN Unit of the Foundation for Science and Technology, João Nuno Ferreira, reviews 2022 and looks towards the new year with confidence.

Betting on future talents. Portuguese students challenged to participate in TNC23
Higher Education students in Portugal can submit a proposal for a presentation at the largest and most prestigious annual conference of European academic networks (NRENs): the TNC23. Lightning Talks Challenge (LTC) has open registrations until February 25th.