With just one month to go until the Jornadas FCCN 2024, Filipe Vieira, Coordinator of Information Technology Services at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, told us about his experience of this meeting over the years.  

The program for this year's Jornadas FCCN , which will take place from April 15 to 17 at the Madeira Congress Center and the Pestana Casino Park in Funchal, is now available. You can still register for the biggest meeting of the national research and higher education community.  

In his testimony, Filipe Vieira began by emphasizing that "the Jornadas FCCN are an impetus for new technologies in Higher Education Institutions" 

What motivated you to attend the event in 2023 and what exceeded your expectations? 

The location of the event and the topics covered in the 2023 edition undoubtedly motivated me to attend. In terms of what exceeded my expectations, I would highlight the high technical level of the presentations, the degree of innovation associated with many of the topics covered and the involvement of the community in the projects. I would also add the opportunity to learn about technologies and techniques used in other institutions and the interaction in the exhibitors' area during lunch. 

What did you take away from FCCN 2023?  

The chance to keep up to date with the latest technological developments and practices used at FCCN and participating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The event is an important reference and has a strong influence on the technological decisions to be taken in the short and medium term and the planning thereof. 

Do you think the Jornadas FCCN are important for the national teaching and research community?

Yes, firstly because they allow for greater cohesion between HEIs in different technological areas and the exchange of knowledge. Secondly, they allow HEIs to influence the use/adoption of current and future technologies, which is also an opportunity for those in charge to gain new knowledge.  

Finally, they allow the community to adopt and use technologies in a concerted manner, making it possible to achieve goals of excellence that will be an asset to national teaching and research

Would you recommend this event?  

Yes, to HEI managers, because it is a unique opportunity to present the importance and advantages of each technology for HEIs, in the national and European context. 

What do you expect from the 2024 edition?

FCCN has already accustomed us to a high level of excellence. My overall expectation is that the next edition will surpass the previous one. 

In terms of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HEIs may already be present in this edition, more specifically in topics such as the use of AI in teaching and learning, but also in cybersecurity and other areas of ICT. 

5G technology is another topic that could be present, especially because of the impact and opportunities it creates for HEIs. Sub-themes such as the coexistence of Eduroam and 5G, distance learning using 5G, among others, I think will be relevant in the next edition

See other testimonies at https://webcq.fccn.pt/blog/ 

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