12th Luso-Brazilian Open Science Conference
ConfOA will take place in Braga, at the University of Minho from 13 to 15 October.

"There are difficulties that continue to contribute to gender inequality in science"
The Science Manager of FCCN, Cátia Laranjeira, details some of the difficulties faced by women working in the world of science and technology, leaving some clues as to how to solve them.

NAU platform continues to grow its community
After the NAU community grew to over 100 thousand users in January 2021, two new milestones were reached in February, reinforcing NAU's position as the reference MOOC platform in Lusophone knowledge.

"Horizon Europe" reinforces Open Science policies
The new model contract for funding implemented by the European Commission brings novelties regarding the rules of accessibility to scientific results. Find out which ones.

Science Europe updates guide on research data management
New version of the guide to research data management, which now includes eligibility criteria for trusted repositories as well as guidelines for researchers and reviewers.

Two years of NAU Platform
The NAU Platform was officially launched on 3 April 2019 and since then, the growth of the project has been a constant. Get to know 6 facts that illustrate it.

Did you know that you can search images from the past at Arquivo.pt?
André Mourão, from the Arquivo.pt team, explains all about the functionality of this service from the FCCN Unit, which allows users to search for images from the past.

Art forever on the Web
This cycle of Webinars is an initiative of the "Forever" Project, a collaboration between the Art Library and Archives of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Arquivo.pt.

EOSC Symposium 2021
The EOSC Symposium - an online event 16-18 June - will be an inclusive platform for all stakeholders to share goals, visions, activities and outcomes in order to shape the future of the EOSC.

"Forever". Gulbenkian and Arquivo.pt create digital curatorship project
The initiative aims to contribute to the preservation and reuse of past and future web pages, with a focus on the world of contemporary Portuguese art.

Leading the Digital Decade 2021
The event that will answer the questions: What is the digital future of Europe? What are the 2030 goals for digital transformation? How to make sure we will reach the goals?