A NAU is aplatform managed by the FCT's FCCN unit and co-financed by Compete 2020. It isa national level in supporting teaching and large groups. Find out more about 5 of the dimensions that make up this platform for courses for large audiences.

#1 e-learning

Visa to meet the needs of distance learning, both for public administration officials and the citizen, which concentrates the publication of courses for large audiences on a single platform, reducing investment, operational and dissemination costs, while that develops and promotes good practices practices, sharing of knowledge and experience.

#2 MOOC's

It aims to provide resposta the increased demand for online courses, which has been changing the way schools, universities and organisations produce and deliver content in their curricula. Self-learning processes by students and trainees are increasingly being promoted, as is the case with the MOOC - Massive Massive Massive Massive Massive Open Online Course - a distance learning format, open and accessible to all, interactive and online, accompanied by tools that allow training a large number of people, in a sustainable and economic way.

Surges thus as a bet on this format, responding to the little presence of Portugal and the Portuguese language in this space, maximizing the projection of knowledge at national and international level.

#3 Interaction

A NAU provides an independent and scalable technological means for the dissemination of content in MOOC format, promoting universities as producers of content of excellence. For this reason, this is a fundamental tool for the dissemination of science and projection of entities at national and international level.

In each course, after prior registration on the platform, the citizen, students and professionals from various areas, will be able to find videos, interactive activities, questions, materials to help them understand the contents and support documents.

The project can be closely followed through the daily updated statistics page at: https://webcq.fccn.pt/indicadores/, where it is possible to observe the existence of more than 70,000 registered users, 115,000 enrolments in courses and over 55,000 certificates issued.

#4 Collaboration

NAU is the result of a consortium across Public Administration which involves the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), a General Directorate of Education (DGE), a Directorate General of Health (DGS), INA - Direção-Geral da Qualificação dos trabalhadores em Funções Públicas (General Directorate for the Qualification of Civil Servants), Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP) and the General Secretariat of Education and Science.

FCT is the entity responsible for managing the project, creating and providing the IT infrastructure IT infrastructure, continuing the platform after the funding phase of the project. The partner entities have in common the responsibilities for training in public administration and/or (in)training for citizens, so they have developed and are providing courses in the NAU in various areas.

The list of courses can be found online.

#5 Language

As a reference platform to support the learning of contents in Portuguese language, the NAU assumes itself as a resource international resource, accessible to all communities in Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries. This is, moreover, the public- –target for which at available at learning contentm and training in the native language of more than 250 million million people around the world.

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